Color Matching
Color Matching
Aside from the widespread solid colors, metallic finishes are nowadays much more common than only a few years back.
Certain steps are required in order to ensure a good match.

The Right Shade:
- Every refinishing job starts with the right identification of the color shade.
- Polish area adjacent to the damaged spot.
- Look for color code on the vehicle.
- Make sure the vehicle has not been resprayed before.
- Determine which of the variant colors is closest to the car shade.
- Retrieve the mixing formula from GPC Software.
- Weigh the paint according to the formula.
Do your part:
A good color match is dependant on a lot of people putting their best effort together in order to reach the desired goal. lt all starts with the OEM supplier who has to guarantee that every batch is as close as possible to the reference. Keep in mind that a car manufacturer may have different paint suppliers for the same color. Next the car manufacturer has to do his part to ensure that the OEM paint is being applied in accordance to the manufacturer`s specifications and that adequate cleaning has been made on all painting equipment when changing colors. The car manufacturer has to provide the refinish suppliers with any color variations which have occurred.
Of course, the refinish suppliers have to ensure adequate quality control on every base color produced and then comes the mixing.
The success of the work depends on the condition of the workplace. Ensuring that everything functions properly means that you save time and thus money.
- Clean the equipment regularly.
- Check the scales for proper functioning.
- Always work with the latest formula update.
- Stir regularly. Fifteen minutes every morning and every can manually before it is placed on the mixing machine.
- Finally, the painter has to do his part to ensure a good color match by using the correct application, especially for metallic
Spraying Technique:
Everything that keeps the paint wet for a longer time, changes the color. When working with metallic paints, the following can be done to influence the color shade.
N.B. In any case, make sure that the paint is evenly applied to the surface by ensuring that the distance of the spray gun from the panel is constant.
Also the gun has to be maintained at a 90-degree angle from the panel. The speed has to be maintained constant and the spray passes have to be evenly spread out. Otherwise, shadows, clouds, or other paint flaws may occur.
Blending 2K colors:
The paint material has to be further reduced with 500% S2012; the pressure reduced to 1.5 bars instead of 3 5 bars You can then pick the narrowest area available and with a flick of the gun, apply the reduced paint over previously sanded panel (PZOOO or Scotch-Brite).
Blending basecoat colors:
The basecoat has to be further reduced with 100% S1918; the pressure is reduced to 1.5 bars instead of 3.5 bars. With a flick of the gun apply the reduced paint on the adjacent pre-sanded panel (PZOOO or Scotch-Brite). Apply 2K clear on the full area.
Blending 3 coat colors:
These shades depend on the color of the first coat on the number of spray passes and the coat thickness of the 2nd layer (the pearlescent basecoat).
The following method should be observed:
- Reduce the ground coat further with 100% S1918 and blend into the original finish (after sanding with Scotch Brite or P2000)
- Apply pearlescent basecoats allowing them to overlap as much as is required for a homogeneous effect in the color shade
- Apply 2K clear over the entire repair area.
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